"We want to hear the other voices. People who are driven by something other than themselves"

— Sue Heatherington, Quiet Disruptors, Creating Change Without Shouting

Support the Collective

Here’s your chance to be part of a ground-breaking movement of Menopause changemakers!

We totally understand that everyone has different preferences of how they would like to support the M.I.C. and of course there is no pressure from us for you to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or stretches you beyond your capacity but we would love to hear from you if you would like to get involved!

Menopause Inclusion Collective Champions

Our Champions are SO important to us getting closer to achieving Menopause Inclusion! You’ll love ‘what matters to us’ and want to help help us get the word out that Inclusion in Menopause really does matter!

You can help us get closer to our Vision by;

  • Followg us and sharing our social media posts and News items.

  • Participating in surveys.

  • Supporting our campaigns.

  • Attending our events.

  • Talking about us ALL THE TIME!

  • Telling us what Inclusion in Menopause means to you.

  • Inviting your network, to support us!