‘Rainbow Menopause’ Film Live!
We are excited to announce the release of our new short film, produced in collaboration with Iris Prize Outreach, which explores the varied menopause experiences within the LGBTQ+ community. This innovative film is now available for private screenings and aims to foster a broader understanding of menopause through the lens of LGBTQ+ experiences.
Menopause Inclusion Collective Co-Founders contribute to groundbreaking ‘Menstruation, menstrual health and menopause in the workplace’ Guide.
Dr. Maria Tomlinson said “The creation of this British Standard on menstrual and menopausal health is … a timely, vital, and ground-breaking step towards gender equality in the workplace.”
Transgender, non-binary, and/or gender diverse people - Menstruation & Menopause Research
UCL Faculty of Population Health Sciences wants to hear from transgender, non-binary, and/or gender diverse individuals who menstruate (or have menstruated) aged 16-50 to find out their views on and experiences with menstruation and menstrual cycle tracking apps.
Your thoughts are needed! Scoping document published - NICE Guideline for Menopause:diagnosis and managment
NICE guideline on Menopause: diagnosis and management
The draft scope for this (UK) NICE guideline is now out for consultation. We hope that you will support our submission from the GMIC and share your thoughts and comments with us, which we will collate and submit to NIC.
It’s a valuable opportunity to ensure that the guideline considers issues important to all of us seeking to include everyone in the menopause conversation! #IncludeMyMenopause