'Shifting the Dial Towards Inclusion in Menopause'
About this event
Our intention is, together with Marissa Ellis from Diversily, to share thoughts and ideas to be inform a collective White Paper for influencing change.
A reminder of ‘why?’ we’re doing this… to move closer to our Vision!
"Our Vision is that menopause information, educational resources, policies, support services and spaces, are equitable and considerate of the diversity of experience of menopause.
In striving for equity, we call for for the additional oppression and discrimination of the most marginalised in society to be recognised, acknowledged, and acted upon, so that all all those navigating through their menopause journey, whether locally, or globally, can experience a dignified menopause."
In 2021 the Menopause Inclusion Collective kickstarted talk on themes of inclusion and menopause, shining a light on those experiencesng outside of the frame of being a white, middle class, cis-gendered, educated, wealth and health privileged woman.
However, despite hearing more about making menopause inclusive, equitable, accessible and equal, those of us within marginalised groups and those that recognise that menopause experiences are nuanced and influenced by many factors, might not feel much has changed yet in terms of tangible outcomes.
In this discussion we hope to identify how far we have come and what is yet still to be done to make menopause inclusive across support spaces, services and in resources.
So, are you interested in making menopause 'inclusive'? Register HERE
Whether developing policy, implementing initiatives in the workplace, supporting people directly, or maybe you are an activist, influencing change through conversation about menopause, or maybe a researcher keen to understand more about issues of inclusion that intersect with menopause experiences
We're hoping to create a discussion fuelled by diverse perpectives, from those with expertise, and those with lived experience.
We respectfully ask attendees to note this is not a space for 'sales talk' or promoting your own services, it is intended for people who are interested to influence change for the benefit of others.
This event is best suited for
Health Practitioners
Occupational Health Practitioners
Community Activists / Menopause Activists
Organisational representatives of people from marginalised groups
Service Users
Workplace Educators
Workplace Equality, HR, Wellbeing Leads
If you're not sure about attending please drop us an email with any questions or concerns and please et us know if you have any requirements to make this event inclusive for you.
Thank you and we hope you can join us!