A Menopause and Mind event - Cutting the Crap Collage Workshop
Menopause and Mind focus on raising awareness of the impact of menopause on mental health, and provide support for people experiencing menopause-related mental health struggles. Our focus is on well-being, transformation and connection. We explore creative approaches to mental well-being and practices of collective care. In this workshop, we will work with collage to explore share, and connect with others about our feelings around menopause and the climacteric. Come and join us for an inclusive space of fun, friendship and creativity that will allow you time out to process, reflect and transform!
The session is dual facilitated by experienced facilitators expressive artist Kirsty Lumm and Coach and Menopause Wellbeing Practitioner Heather McKnight.
What is an intuitive collage?
What is an intuitive collage? Intuitive collage bypasses your censoring mind and can surprise you with new information about your inner life. The workshops provide a symbolic release of emotions. They help you to meet and accept the inner parts of yourself that you do not normally express. Intuitive collage expresses the various aspects of your personality in visual form, and this will help you to understand, organise and sort out your inner landscape so that you can witness it compassionately. The imagery and colours in an intuitive collage can reveal and externalise emotions more powerfully than verbal self-expression.
We recognise that the mainstream narrative of menopause does not include everyone and discriminates and excludes many marginalised voices. Menopause and Mind embraces menodiversity and welcomes any person experiencing menopausal symptoms from any background. We are open to feedback and to improve our sessions, and to ensuring that we are using inclusive language and approaches.
We support the aims of the Menopause Inclusion Collective